Last Day of School!
Our first year at a new school is done and can be counted as a success. The kids made so many great new friends. They got awesome teachers. And we learned how to navigate a new school, with new traditions. An added bonus, I even made some new friends. Not like my Suncrest friends, but there’s potential. :)
First and last day of 6th grade
Macey joined Student Council and had a blast with it, this alone made the move to the new school worth it. Mr. Hodson found ways to challenge her and his love for The Jazz only helped Macey to love The Rockets more. To say she’s excited for Jr. High would be an understatement. Moving to a new school for her last year of elementary school was hard. Probably the hardest thing she’s had to face yet. But, she killed it and is now only excited to start Jr. High next year.
I actually missed 6th grade graduation because it was the same day as Crew’s surgery. Luckily, Paul could go and get some pictures for me. Plus, they got these awesome diplomas.
First and last day of 3rd grade
This year was a struggle. A huge struggle. Miles pushed through, his teacher pushed through, and I learned to become more assertive in a new environment.
We got Miles an IEP for speech and OT. With his IEP we were able to get him a lot of the accommodations he needed to be more successful in a school setting. His teacher and I didn’t always see eye to eye, but she loved him and wanted him to succeed, so together we were able to find the way to do that.
Miles won the award for greatest improvement, which was awesome, because I doubt there was a 3rd grader that worked harder than him. It meant a lot to him, and me, that he was recognized for all the hard work he put in. And I pray her remembers what the results can be when he actually tries.
First and last day of 1st Grade
And it was not planned for the boys to wear the same shirt, they are just their favorite shirts. :)
Crew killed first grade. He made so many great new friends. His teacher said he was pretty quiet the first half of the year, but he slowly came out of his shell and was making everyone laugh by the end. He won the award for “Always follows school rules”. Sounds about right. :)
I got to volunteer in his class each week and I taught an art lesson once a month, so it was fun to get to know all the kids in his class a lot better.
It was hard for me to move schools too, because I knew all the kids at Suncrest so well and would have so many cute kids hugging me every time I walked into school. Even though the kids at our new school don’t need me quite the same as they did at Suncrest, I have hopes I will get to know all of them too.
And the last year these 3 will be together. It’s been nice.
First Day of School
Last Day of School
First and Last Day of Preschool
Ruby cried everyday I dropped her off September-December. It was torture, but right when i was about to give up, she decided she loved school and ran in happily after that.
Her preschool was awesome. They played outside everyday for 45 min. They had fish, she ate breakfast there, so much creative play, and 3 amazing teachers. Sad to be done with preschool.
We had our annual back to school celebration.
Silly String.
Park, Pizza, and Popsicles with friends.
And we had a neighborhood BBQ.
All the 12 year old girls that live in our neighborhood.
I also made each kid a binder this year to help us stay more organized and keep my house cleaner. We started the day school got out, work hard play hard. Praying it works.
Here’s hoping next school year is easier than this school year. :)