Macey turned 11 this month.

I still cannot believe we  have a tween.  I can believe it because she acts like one all the time, but I just cannot accept that we have gotten this old.  

Macey has always been my best sidekick and fellow adventurer.  

Glad this hasn’t changed much.  

And I hope it never changes, especially as we are creeping towards the unknown and scary territory of teenage years.  

Macey’s birthday fell on Super Bowl Sunday this year, which was fun, because she was actually born on Super Bowl Sunday.  We got to the hospital right as the Super Bowl was starting and she was born right when it was over.  It was fun to reminisce with her about the day she was born.  

Started with donuts.

and dinner was her favorites of homemade Mac & Cheese, homemade fries and wings.  

Trina and TJ came over to help us celebrate, Trina captured this perfect picture of Macey with her Oreo Cheesecake for me. I for sure wasn’t this cute when I was 11.  

Since we did a big party last year, we kept it simple this year.  

We did a last min. pizza and movie get together.  $5 luxury seats to see The Greatest Showman.  

funny, but scary, story.  Macey was being super silly and entertaining her friends.  Macey can be so quiet and reserved, that I highly encourage her crazy silly to come out.  So, she was sucking helium out of balloons to show her friends how your voice changes.  Kids were dying laughing and she was loving it.  Then she sucked in too much helium and passed out!  Luckily she was not freaked out and thought it was funny, so then all her friends thought it was funny and life lesson learned.  You need oxygen.  

Kids loved the luxury seats and I spent most of the movie glancing over at Macey to make sure she was still conscious. :)

Macey loves all things Harry Potter and Ravenclaw. 

Favorite color is still white.  Wants to be a robotics engineer or the CFO of a company (they just went to Jr. Achievement City in SLC and she was the CFO of a University and LOVED it).  Loves school, loves her friends, loves to listen to music on her touch, loves to sing and dance, and loves to read. 

While I still miss this girl: 

I am finding I am enjoying tween life too.  

(Watching Anne of Green Gables together while doing an insane cat puzzle)