May was a whirl of fun and chaos.  

Macey finished up the last of her Scera Performances.  

She had her dance recital with The Emmie’s 

And then her Showteam Showcase, where all the acting classes performed 2 of their pieces.

Sunny, but not hot weather, was perfect for hitting up a few of our favorite spots before school was out. 

We love this part of the Provo River Trail.  It is usually pretty empty and there’s a bunch of cool places to stop and explore. 

We had so much fun, we decided to go after school the next week, so all the kids could enjoy it. 

Didn’t take into account how much higher the river would be!! It was crazy stressful, but our scare tactics worked (we told the kids they would most likely die if they fell in…which was the truth), so they kept their distance.  
At least the outing ended on a peaceful note feeding the horses in the parking lot, a safe distance from the raging river.  

Thanksgiving Point Gardens

We missed the tulip festival this year, but I didn’t mind too much.

There were still a lot of tulips in bloom and barely any people.  


**Farm Country
It was crazy busy with preschool field trips, so after 30 min we walked up to get some icecream.

Crew was not pleased to walk one block and pretty much screamed and whined the whole way.  

Until we got to the little gardens where he told me, “mom, I forgot how beautiful it was here.”  No more crying after that.  


campus is one of my happy places. 

And if I enter the Cougareat, I cannot leave without a hot loaf of bread with honey butter.  Takes me back. :)  

It’s pretty much just constant friends and playing around here when the sun is out. 

lots of bug catching

bike riding

park playing. 

And I’ve even been allowing children inside!  This is not normal for me, but it’s gone fairly well.

We’ve even attempted a few art projects.


and bug drawing (for a bug club meeting)

And just random shenanigans with our best neighbors.

Sometimes though we hideout and have lazy mornings and pretend we don’t hear the knocks on our door. 

And this would be a typical Saturday morning around here.  These 2 playing video games in their underware.  Living the dream.  

Speaking of underware…Ruby earned a trip to Chuck E. Cheese for being potty trained.

And we squeezed in our last few errands together before everyone was out of school.

She seems so sweet and content in the shopping cart here, but not 5 min. later she determined I was taking too long and started throwing items out of my cart, biting my hands, throwing her shoes.  It’s always an exciting time with Ruby.  

I actually had a great mother’s day this year.  Thanks to these 4 and Paul.  

Got my picture.  Got to read.  And got to eat good food that I didn’t make. 

We invited ourselves on the Rensink’s date to “Me First and The Gimmie Gimmies”.  

So fun!!  Good music and good company.  But, it reminded me how much I hate mosh pits and I am grateful for the security guard that Julianne and I spent much of our time cowering behind. 

And we’ve been trying to adopt a fairly minimalistic lifestyle around here, but I cannot get this girl on board!

here’s hoping we can get it figured out this summer.