We have been back in the swing of things for a few weeks now and it’s been going smoother than I anticipated.  

This summer was quite crazy and for the first time ever, I was actually a little bit happy for the kids to be back in school.  Miles really wore me down this summer and having him in full day school has been quite refreshing.  

We had our annual back to school dinner.  

We got home from Bear Lake the day before school started, so I tried to get the kids to do Happy Meals for the back to school dinner.  Shockingly, they refused, and wanted what we always have, brown bag lunches.  Thank goodness I picked something simple from the beginning and didn’t copy all those crazy pinterest people.  

Macey was all excitement to go back to school, just like always.

She has an amazing teacher and Macey was very happy to find out her new teacher loves Harry Potter just like her.  

 I cannot believe she is in 4th grade.  Like really, can not believe it.  This should not be happening. 

They did some assessments before school started and I was a bit nervous for Miles, remembering how horribly things went last year.  This year was a huge improvement! While I was the only parent that actually had to go in with their first grader instead of waiting in the hall,  he at least spoke and communicated with the teachers and they were as kind and patient as could be.  

Miles told me he was only going to go to the first 2 days of school and the last 2 days.  Luckily, he came home loving school and has gone back everyday since.  

I’m not saying he goes happily everyday.  It is still a battle most mornings to get the kid fed and ready, but we are getting there and I will not give up.  Homework is another story and another battle that I don’t always have the energy to fight. :) 

Then there is Crew.  

This kid has been dying to go to school  His day finally came and it was all smiles and excitement.  Ruby had to get in on his photo session.  

He went into preschool as happy as could be, posed for a picture, and then went and read books with the rest of the kids.  I didn’t even know what to do with myself, it was the first time in a long time I wasn’t actually needed. I didn’t even break a sweat. What a difference from Miles.  

The only issue we had at preschool drop off was Ruby thought she should get to ride in Crew’s seat, since she’s the big kid home with me now. So, after dragging a kicking and screaming Ruby into her seat, I actually was sweating and it felt like a normal school drop off for me. :)  

These kids have the most amazing teachers this year and I am so grateful.  You cannot replace a great teacher and I am thankful everyday for these teachers and the time and love they give these kids.

And I am so glad I get this crazy one all to myself for a few more years.

And, I need to report, this was the first year I did not cry sending the kids back to school!  I am getting better at this letting go thing.