I can be in denial no longer.  The new school year has begun!

We had our annual brown bag back to school dinner.  M&M loved it.  Miles made sure “one of the special kids” got to say the prayer.

Every year I go through my books and pick a few of my favorites to read those first few days of school. You know, to remind them to be brave, nice, grateful, and of course remind them that they are loved. 

Macey started 2nd grade!! 2nd grade, as in the grade I used to teach!! I knew this day would come, but not this fast.  

There was very little apprehension from her this year.  She’s a pro at the school thing now. 

I of course cried the whole drive home from dropping her off. 

This year was easier on Miles too. But man, these 2 just love each other and rarely fight.  Some days are especially long for him as he waits for school to get out and homework to get done.  

This picture says it all. 

Macey also lucked out and got 2 of her favorite friends in her class this year. 

It’s going to be another great year.  And as Macey keeps telling me, “Mom, I’m in your favorite grade now!”

It’s always hard for me to adjust to having Macey gone, since she’s such a help with the boys.  And I was seriously dreading, having nightmares, about how we would survive any outing without her.  

After we dropped her off, we went to the library and Miles said “Mom, I be your big helper now!”. And he really was!  Crew is a bolter, but Miles kept hold of his hand for me when I couldn’t.  He entertained Crew while I checked out our books.  And he even watched Ruby in the stroller when I had to change Crew’s diaper.  

And he is always the first to Ruby’s side when she starts crying, which 90% of the time she stops the moment she sees him.  

Speaking of Miles, he started preschool today.  

He is in the same preschool as last year, so it was all excitement and no nerves. Plus, he’s been dying to wear this shirt ever since i bought it last month. 

 He has been missing Miss Karli all summer and has been counting down the days till he could give her a big hug.  I still remember how heart wrenching it was on the first day of school last year to pry a crying Miles off of me and hand him over to Karli.    It was no problem this year.  

The best moment though was at pick up.  

Miss Karli was leading the kids out to sit on the grass to wait for their parents.  I’m watching as all the kids walk out with their arms folded and trying to stay in a line, searching for Miles.  I don’t see him.  Then all of a sudden a shoeless child with a backpack over his face comes running through the gate.  Oh my gosh, it was hilarious.  I just love this kid. 

I don’t know why they think it’s ok to keep growing, but they claim they can’t help it.

And Crew was not to be left out.  While taking Miles’ picture this morning he comes running over to me, “My picture too, Mama!”  Good thing I still get him all to myself for another few years.  

And this girl, of course, too.