I have officially moved passed my summer mourning period and have come to accept and, possibly, love this back to schoolness.  

One of the best things about school starting up, is some of our favorite places are much less chaotic and much more manageable.  

I still of course loose Miles from time to time, but it’s much easier to find him now. 

With less people we’ve been able to discover some new favorite things at The Museum of Natural Curiosity.  Such as the bank tube delivery thing in Kidopolis.  

And Crew actually gets to hang out in the baby water area, as it is no longer full of babies.  

I am LOVING the variety of weather that has accompanied September.  

We’ve still had plenty of hot days.  

But even more perfect 70 degree days, where can actually play at the park and in our backyard without feeling like we will die of heat exhaustion. 

And there’s really nothing better than having all my kids in one place!  Yep, I’m old.

Now that it isn’t 100 degrees out in the evening, we’ve been letting Crew go on real scooter rides.  He cracks me up cruising with the big kids and actually doing a decent job of staying with M&M.

And we’ve of course soaked up our beginning of fall storms!

One particularly rainy day we headed up to one of our favorite places to get out some energy.  
Crew got to ride the ferris wheel for the first time and he loved it. I loved how he yelled “hi” and waved at me everytime they passed.

I also took just Macey and Miles to Chalk The Block at The Riverwoods.  It was shockingly much easier to maneuver the crowds without a stroller and a bolting toddler.  

And seriously those mountains, I really have grown to love them. 

They of course had to get their hair chalked! 

We’ve been busy with lots of back to school activities.  M&M’s favorite being Macey’s school carnival.  We started with all 6 of us there, but Crew was being less than cooperative (meaning completely awful).  So, Paul took the littles home, while I stayed with the more manageable 2 of the moment.  

Speaking of school, this girl is LOVING 2nd grade.

She is pretty much the perfect older sister and loves playing the part.  Heavenly Father knew what he was doing giving her to me first.  

I went out to read a book on the porch one evening and I caught Macey spinning and singing in the grass.  Made me happy to see she isn’t grown up, just yet.  

Miles has even been more enjoyable since school started.

It’s been fun getting to hang out with just him during naptime.

And with Macey gone, he continues to step up his big brother game. 

There is never a dull moment with him. 

We are back in full swing with Talking Time.  I am the “mean” mom that won’t do the cutting or tracing for their kid.  As a result, Miles has noticed that his art projects look drastically different from his classmates.  He now refers to them as Monsters. For example, here is Monster Pete the Cat.  It’s pretty funny.

Crew continues to keep me on my toes, like a 2 year old should.  We are in full swing terrible twos around here.  Lots of whining, crying, temper tantrums, and mischievousness.  Like I always say, it’s a good thing he’s cute.  

And then there’s Ruby.  I don’t know how much longer it will last, but man, this girl is pretty close to perfect.   

It has become very difficult for me to drag myself out of bed each morning to start my day.  But she makes her part easy.  Every morning when I go to get her up, she lights up the moment you walk in. There’s no whining or crying, even though she hasn’t eaten in 12 hours.  Only smiling and cooing.  

Once again Heavenly Father knew what he was doing giving me this baby last.  

While most days I feel like I am barely surviving, I have been trying to soak in those little happy moments to get me through.  

Like when all 4 are laughing and playing together for those 45 seconds. And the realization that they are all mine!

And stolen moments with Paul. Like this post school drop off breakfast, after some long work days.

And the fact that my desire to do projects is slowly returning!

PTA teacher birthday presents.

Now I’ve got to get busy on Halloween Costumes!!