Last year my children got the short end of the stick when it came to holiday festivities. November and December of 2011 were a blur of nausea and throwing up, I can barely remember anything about that time thanks to being pregnant with Crew.

This year we have some catching up and making up to do on all things holiday centered.

We started our advent calendar (didn’t do one of these last year). It’s a mixture of candy and activities. So far they have gotten their new ornaments for tree, written letters to santa, read christmas books, and of course eaten some candy. I’m loving this advent, it’s so cute and easy. Pretty sure this one will be a keeper.

Since our Summer BINGO was such a hit, Macey thought we should do a winter one too. I like it cause it gives me ideas when my brain no longer seems to be functioning properly, like anytime after 2:00.

We saw the sweet lights at Thanksgiving Point. Miles kept asking if we were at Disneyland, or as he says it “Dis-knee-yand”. It was just hilarious watching and listening to them, probably my favorite thing we have done so far. Plus, they had Santa’s reindeer you could visit, Macey loved that.

We also went to the lights at Temple Square. It was extra nice to have Trina’s house pretty much across the street this year, made it about a million times easier. Macey and Miles loved looking at all the different Nativities and Miles was of course obsessed with the blue lights. Crew was even awake this time and got to enjoy some of the festivities, when it wasn’t too rainy or windy that is.

Since we pretty much missed the ball on teaching our children about the true meaning of Christmas last year due to me being curled up in a ball on the couch. We’ve been trying extra hard this year. For Family Home Evening this week we read a picture book about Jesus’ birth and then did a Nativity Scavenger hunt. It was a hit and we already have plans to play again tomorrow.

We of course had to make our annual trip to visit Santa and there were no tears this time! Macey asked for a Petshop Family, Miles asked for T-Rex and Jake Toys.

It’s official we crammed more in this week than the entire holiday season last year!