My favorite thing about Macey starting school is the funny stories she tells me when she gets home.
Here’s a gem from yesterday:
I’m thinking we might ban princess movies for awhile.
Then this morning while doing her hair she says to me:
“Mom, I love you most of all and sometimes all i want to do is give you a kiss! But, don’t worry I won’t tell anyone else how I love you more cause I don’t want to make them feel sad.”
Then when we finished her hair:
“Mom, you should take my picture because you might want to remember what I looked like when I was 5. Because you’re going to get old and forget.”
And as we were loading the car she hands over her Sleeping Beauty ring and says very seriously;
“If Miles is being good he can wear my special ring, but if he’s being crazy you have to take it away from him. He likes it so he’ll probably be good for you while I’m gone.”
As you can tell she takes her role as big sister very seriously. Yesterday, when we were cleaning up the toy room, she said to Miles;
“Miles, this is a toy room, not a dump room. So, you need to stop dumping all the toys out.”
Maybe he’ll listen to Macey since he apparently doesn’t listen to me.
And then if you’ve had the prividelge of seeing this girl dance, there really isn’t anything quite like it. I’m just hoping she learns some new dance moves before she’s a teenager. Because while it’s funny for a 5 year old, not so funny for a 16 year old.
I just wish I could remember all the funny things she says and does, but she’s right, I’m going to get old and forget.