Life with 3 kids has been exciting to say the least.

I am SLOWLY getting used to being very outnumbered and learning to just let things go.

I think I only feed Macey and Miles a real lunch once this week. Luckily, due to me being on bedrest they are pretty good at fending for themselves. They are quite good at climbing the shelves in the pantry and putting the straws in Capri Suns, they don’t need much more than that.

I have yet to figure out the best way to load and unload 3 kids into the car, so I’m still avoiding errands at this point. We did walk to Target the other day and found it was way easier than hauling everyone in the car. Besides, I can fit more stuff in my stroller basket then I can in my kid filled cart.

I have yet though to take my phone off of silent and have only answered it a handful of times in the last 2 weeks. Pretty much I only respond to text messages.

Macey and Miles seem to be adjusting pretty well. Remember this? It’s been much smoother. It also helps that Crew is such a good baby.

We’ve been doing lots of art indoors, since I’m not the biggest fan of the heat at the moment.

and since Crew is still so mellow, I even have time to cook and bake. Cleaning and showering is another matter though.

Even though we had a very low key 4th, I was still pretty dead by the end of it.

All in all the adjustment to life with 3 kids has been much smoother for me than it was to life with 1 or 2 kids. Part of it is that I actually have some sense of what I’m doing, I’ve learned to kind of let things go (miles stained my couch again and I didn’t even shed a tear), Macey and Miles have each other to play with, I’m getting used to always feeling out of control, and Crew has been the ideal baby for the first 17 days of his life.

Hopefully, before Crew gets crazy like his siblings, I’ll have this 3 kid thing slightly figured out. Until then, the iPads, my crockpot, neighbors, and the weather are helping me to keep my sanity slightly intact.