A Not So Exciting Update
I got permission to be done with bedrest, yay! As such we’ve been quite busy and I try to spend as little time as possible on the couch. I’ve never been so happy to cook and clean in my life!
I’m 36 weeks now and am pretty much ready to be done with this whole pregnant thing. This has been an extremely long pregnancy and I swear every time I go to the dr. there is some new issue to check out. They tell me the baby is measuring about 39 weeks now, which makes me even more anxious to get this kid out! I’m shooting for the week of June 10th to go into labor, you know since I have complete control over these things. ;)
Here I am at 36 weeks and yes, I have been known to take people out with my gigantic belly.
Lately though I’ve been 2nd guessing our decision to have more children. Since this is what nap time usually looks like on a good day (you know, cause he is actually sleeping):
And bedtime has been going equally as well, just add a crying Macey into the mix. Hopefully we will get the craziness somewhat under control before this baby makes an appearance.
Another fear I have recently developed is that summer is going to pass us by and we are not going to take advantage of all it has to offer. As such, I went slightly out of character, and made a summer bucket list of sorts. Normally I would laugh at making such a list, as I like to be slightly more spontaneous. But this summer I figure I’ll need all the help I can get.
I left off a lot of the stuff I know we’ll do, such as 7peaks and Manila Pond. But, I’m hoping these ideas will help get us through some of the harder days with a newborn and will keep children entertained, since we’ll be home much more than a normal summer. Time will tell.
I started “nesting’ last week, but it sadly only lasted a few days. Luckily I did get a few projects done before I heeded the call of the sun.
This linen closet was desperate for some organization and it really does make me happy every time I open it.
Unfortunately my house is still quite a mess due to 8 months of neglect, but maybe I’ll be able to talk Paul into hiring someone to come clean. Because I am obviously finding much better things to fill my time with these days, like trips to the pool, pond, and splash pad.