Last summer I made Macey some activity bags for traveling. Macey has played with these on many trips and they’ve kept her very entertained, that is until our last flight to Texas. So, I went on the search for new things I could put in her bags.

For our travels this summer I have made some new and improved travel bags that are more geared toward Macey’s interest now instead of when she was 18 months. Plus, thanks to Brianne, I bought these pencil pouches at walmart (they were less than $1 each) for everything to go in.

mini felt boards

art supplies
I finally learned, after bringing stickers on many airplane flights, that it’s easier for Macey to get the individual stickers off if I remove the sticker outlines first.

stringing noodles on pipe cleaners and Macey also likes to make pipe cleaner jewelry

ABC, dinosaurs, and animal flash cards from the Target $1 section, hole punched and clipped together.

Dinosaur play set

We also bought this when we drove to Disneyland and we are very excited to use it again.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that these will entertain her for many, many hours!